The Crystal Beach Lakeview Community Association sent a delegation to the July 3 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee to speak about Ferguslea’s application to amend the Official Plan and break the zoning bylaw to build two towers at 70-80 Woodridge Crescent.
The meeting is here and the 70-80 Woodridge Crescent part starts around the approximately 1:28 with the CBLCA delegation beginning around 1:41.
Purpose of the delegation
The intention was not to stop the project; Bayshore is a transit hub and stopping intensification there is not an option. Rather, the idea was to remind the committee of broader issues related to this development. We had the following questions:
- What is the long-term plan to provide adequate parks and greenspace throughout Ottawa as it intensifies, especially in the Outer Urban transect?
- Are we paying attention to the Official Plan’s Schedule 13 (Scenic Routes)?
- Are we confident in our technical decisions regarding:
a) Geology
b) Stormwater management
c) Transportation - Will we have a coordinated plan for future development around Carling and Bayshore or just keep adding towers piecemeal?
CBLCA’s comments are here.
(A quick shout-out to Councillor Kavanagh for asking a question that allowed the speaker to finish the speech!)
The proposal passed. It is not known when construction will begin.
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