Greetings Crystal Beach – Lakeview!
It is finally happening, the spring is here and the snow is leaving us and it’s too mucky to get into yard work! On top of that we reach a new milestone with the wind-down (hopefully) of the pandemic. Maki House is now fully open for clubs and activities!
That leads me to a topic for the community, a few of the clubs have either dissolved due to the pandemic (we are waiting for the dust to settle to have an accurate tally), or are in need of new leadership. Our Parks and Rec chair will have a few articles about this, in this newsletter and coming ones, to encourage residents to consider stepping up to lead these clubs, or potentially start new ones. At present the Friendship Club (for the Fall) and the Play-group club (right now) are looking for someone to organize their respective groups. If anyone out there is interested in starting a new club here is some info, if you are interested in leading / organizing the mentioned clubs, contact our Parks and Rec Dept.
Your Transit, Transport and Infrastructure Committee (TTIC) has been hard at it again, making a submission to the City, concerning the “Ontario Housing Affordability Act”. You can read the submission here. Big thanks to Ian McConnachie and the members of the TTIC for their great work! They are not done yet, read below to see what else they have been up to.
For the Lakeview side of things, we are into peak ditch flooding season, so remember if you have any flooding issues, call 311 to get assistance from the City. The city is looking into a review of the Ditch Alteration policy and there is an info Session on April 5th, that may be of interest to some. Click here and here for more info.
Lastly I wanted to share this Greenbelt flyer that was brought to the Executive’s attention, we can all help to protect the Greenbelt. For those that have made it this far, here is a reward in the form of an interesting bit of Ottawa history – Sea Monsters
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