Hi Everyone!
I’d like to take a moment to apologise for my absence from the last couple of newsletters. As it does, life’s gotten busy and my communication to the community has taken a bit of a backseat. The good news is that other members of our board have continued to faithfully submit content to keep everyone abreast of current events and goings on in our community. Thank you team!!
On a more sombre note I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of a member of our community. Elaine Belanger born September 4, 1980 died September 24, 2022 following a fight with cancer.
Elaine was a member of our community, living on Aero Drive for the eight years prior to her passing. She was passionate about nature, gardening, and carpentry. She loved volleyball and was captain of the gold medal winning team at nationals while doing her Master of Applied Science, Electrical Engineering, with a specialization in Optical Communications and Nano-Fabrication at the University of Sherbrooke. Elaine was always selfless, giving, and appreciative.
Today I’d like to thank Elaine for generously considering the CBLCA in her estate, and to her loved ones who reached out to help ensure we received her gift. Our current executive is presently developing a plan to honour Elaine and her gift by creating a small lending library at Maki House.
More details on this project to come in the future!
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