The CBLCA has been approached by the Kanata Nordic Club about supporting the Ottawa West Winter Trail (OWWT), that will run along the South edge of the community along the Multi Use Path between the highway and Corkstown Road. This section of the trail will connect the Britannia trail to the Kanata Nordic trails, all free for the public to use! This trail can be used for cross-country skiing, Fat biking, snowshoeing and plain old walking. The trail system is entirely volunteer run and funded by individuals and some corporate sponsors, every dollar helps. The money raised is used for everything from gas for the grooming machines, signage, insurance and maintenance.
The CBLCA wants to help promote outdoor winter activity. Now more than ever it’s important to get outside, get some sunshine and exercise, for the body and the mind! We are fortunate here in Crystal Beach-Lakeview to have close access to the trail system, and having the trails run though the community is a great opportunity for us all. The CBLCA is planning on making an initial $500 donation, and we will match individual (none corporate) donations to a total maximum of $750 more. If you would like to make a donation toward the trail and have the CBLCA match your donation, you can either send an E-transfer (“OWWT donation” in the subject line) to GeneralCBLCA@gmail.com, or drop off your donation in the mailbox on the side of Maki House (near the parking lot). If you do drop off a donation, please let us know. Deadline for donations is February 1st.
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